Lawyers 4 Cyclists

What to Do in Bicycle Dooring Crash

Essential Steps for Cyclists

In a bicycle dooring crash, your immediate actions are crucial. Knowing what to do in bicycle dooring crash can protect your health and legal rights. This guide covers the essential steps: assessing injuries, gathering evidence, and understanding your legal options.

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Key Takeaways

  • Immediately assess your physical condition and move to a safe location following a bicycle dooring crash. Seek prompt medical attention and maintain calm to ensure proper handling of the situation.
  • Gather comprehensive evidence at the scene, including photographs of the car, door, bicycle, and injuries, as well as witness statements. This documentation is crucial for insurance claims and legal action.
  • Report the incident to relevant authorities and seek legal advice from a bicycle accident attorney to understand your rights and maximize potential compensation. Informing authorities also contributes to broader safety improvements for cyclists.

Immediate Actions After a Bicycle Dooring Crash

In the chaotic moments following a bicycle dooring crash, your first priority should be to assess your physical condition. Immediately check yourself for injuries and assess any pain or discomfort. Even if you feel fine, adrenaline might mask serious injuries. Securing yourself in a safe location away from traffic is vital to avoid additional mishaps and safeguard your wellbeing,.

If you or anyone else is injured, call emergency services right away. Prompt medical attention can make a significant difference, especially if injuries are severe. Maintaining a state of calm and composure is also beneficial, as this will help you think clearly and take the necessary steps to handle the situation effectively.

Remember, these initial actions can have a significant impact on your recovery and your ability to seek compensation later. Taking the right steps immediately can help protect your health and your legal rights.

Gathering Evidence at the Scene

After securing your safety, it’s imperative to collect evidence at the scene. Recording the incident is fundamental to determine the positions and actions of all parties involved and providing valuable visual records for later use. Start by taking photographs of the scene, including:

  • the car
  • the door
  • your bicycle
  • any visible injuries

Make sure to also capture images of the bike lane to show whether it was clear or obstructed at the time of the crash.

Photographs of parked cars, parked vehicle doors, and vehicle doors can reveal if there were any traffic law violations by car drivers. Besides photos, obtaining witness statements is equally important when investigating incidents involving cars parked. Collect contact information from any witnesses, as their accounts can provide additional perspectives and help clarify the events leading up to the crash.

Drawing maps and noting landmarks, such as street signs, can further help document the exact location of the incident. These pieces of evidence can be crucial when filing insurance claims or pursuing legal action, making it easier to establish fault and seek compensation.

Reporting the Incident

Following evidence collection, it’s necessary to inform the relevant authorities about the incident. In New York City, for example, cyclists can use the NYC DOT web platform to report double-parking and blocked bike lanes, including issues with the bicycle lane. This platform allows users to place pins on a map to identify problem areas and add comments, which can help city officials address dangerous locations and improve infrastructure.

Reporting the incident not only helps in your personal case but also contributes to a larger effort to make streets safer for everyone. By identifying and reporting hazardous areas, you’re playing a part in preventing future accidents and promoting safer cycling conditions.

Seeking Medical Attention

Regardless of feeling fine post-crash, it’s mandatory to seek medical attention. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent but could become serious if left untreated. Common injuries in car-dooring accidents include:

  • skull and brain injuries
  • road rash
  • internal bleeding
  • broken bones
  • cuts and scrapes

A healthcare provider can evaluate your condition and ensure that any injuries are properly treated.

Well-detailed medical records play a key role in your recovery process and any subsequent legal actions. Your medical records should include all injuries, treatments, and follow-up care required. This documentation will be invaluable when filing insurance claims or pursuing compensation for your injuries.

Remember, taking care of your health is the top priority. Prompt medical evaluation can prevent minor injuries from turning into major issues and ensure you receive the necessary treatment.

Understanding Your Legal Rights

Being aware of your legal rights post-bicycle dooring crash is important to claim the compensation you rightfully deserve. In many cases, the motorist or passenger who opened the door can be held liable for the cyclist’s financial costs, such as medical bills. If you suffer a serious injury from an open car door, the driver or other vehicle occupant could be liable.

To establish liability, you must provide evidence that the person’s negligence led to your injuries. This is where the documentation you gathered at the scene becomes crucial. You can sue for damages in personal injury claims if you prove that another party’s negligence caused your injuries. Potential compensation includes medical bills, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.

However, be aware that insurance companies may dispute fault to avoid paying claims. They might argue that the cyclist was partially at fault to reduce potential compensation. Understanding these dynamics can help you navigate the legal process more effectively.

Filing an Insurance Claim

Submitting an insurance claim post-bicycle dooring crash necessitates comprehensive documentation. Claims should be reported within 10 days of the accident unless injuries prevent it; in such cases, report as soon as possible. It’s important to preserve any damaged clothing, bicycle, and gear in their post-accident condition.

Your injury’s medical records are vital while filing an insurance claim or for a personal injury lawsuit. Documenting symptoms and any changes in condition over time can support your claim. Additionally, you’ll need purchase or repair receipts and medical treatment records to substantiate your claim.

Loss of earnings documentation, such as pay slips or tax returns, is also important. These records demonstrate the financial impact of the accident and help you seek compensation for lost income.

Consulting with a Bicycle Accident Attorney

Getting advice from a bicycle accident attorney can greatly simplify the compensation claiming process. A lawyer can help with the claim, especially if injuries are involved. They can relieve stress and maximize your compensation after an accident.

Many attorneys offer a free initial consultation and work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay only if they win your case. A bicycle accident attorney can:

  • Build a strong personal injury claim
  • Communicate with the insurance company on your behalf
  • Calculate both special and general damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and emotional suffering.

Lawyers can help with your personal injury case in several ways, including:

  • Providing legal advice and guidance
  • Investigating the accident and gathering evidence
  • Negotiating with the insurance company for a fair settlement
  • Representing you in court, if necessary

Finding the right attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Dooring

Precautionary steps can notably diminish the chances of dooring accidents. Cyclists should:

  • Stay about 3 to 4 feet away from parked vehicles to avoid the door zone
  • Maintain a steady, predictable course and avoid weaving in and out of parking spaces
  • When necessary, ‘take the lane’ to avoid the door zone safely.

Using rear-view mirrors attached to helmets or handlebars allows cyclists to better monitor their surroundings, especially when they ride bikes alongside moving traffic and motor vehicles. Cyclists should use mirrors or shoulder checks to be aware of oncoming traffic from behind. Slowing down when riding alongside parked cars can help cyclists react to potential door openings.

Yelling to alert drivers and passengers of a cyclist’s presence can help prevent doorings. Checking for signs of activity in parked cars, such as brake lights and turning wheels, can help cyclists anticipate door openings.

Promoting Safe Practices Among Drivers

Encouraging safe driving practices is essential to curtail dooring accidents. The Dutch Reach, a technique where drivers open the door using their far hand, makes them turn and check for oncoming cyclists or pedestrians. This method was popularized in the Netherlands with the goal of reducing dooring accidents by ensuring that drivers look out for cyclists before opening their car doors.

Implementing the Dutch Reach can support regions like the Bay Area in achieving Vision Zero, an initiative aimed at eliminating roadway injuries and deaths. Educating drivers about this technique and other safe practices can create a safer environment for all road users, including reducing such traffic accidents.


In summary, knowing what to do after a bicycle dooring crash can make a significant difference in your recovery and your ability to seek compensation. From immediate actions and gathering evidence to understanding your legal rights and filing insurance claims, each step is crucial. Seeking medical attention, consulting with a bicycle accident attorney, and taking preventative measures can further protect you.

By promoting safe practices among drivers and staying vigilant as cyclists, we can work towards reducing dooring accidents and creating safer streets for everyone. Stay informed, stay safe, and ride with confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dooring accidents can result in serious injuries, including spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and contusions. These injuries can lead to long-term complications and disabilities.

The person who opened the vehicle door into the path of the bicyclist is typically at fault in dooring accidents. Insurance companies may try to shift blame to the cyclist to avoid paying, but the person who opened the door is usually responsible.

Immediately after a bicycle dooring crash, check for injuries, move to a safe location, and call emergency services if needed.

Gathering evidence at the scene of a dooring incident is important as it helps establish the positions and actions of involved parties, which is crucial for legal and insurance purposes.

You can report a dooring incident in New York City using the NYC DOT web platform to help city officials address dangerous locations.